Fluorescent Light Bulb Recycling in Pensacola and Northwest Florida
The responsible, cost-effective compliance alternative for fluorescent lamp disposal

Light Bulb Recycling
Fluorescent, mercury vapor, HID, etc.

Battery Recycling
Alkaline and Nicad Batteries

Mercury Recycling
Thermostats, pressure gauges, etc.

Ballast Recycling
PCB & Non-PCB light ballasts

Ready to save money on your Company’s fluorescent recycling program?

Benefits of Recycling
Mimimize health and safety risk
Environmental best practice
Improve site housekeeping
Fully meet Duty of Care responsibility
Reduce hazardous waste to landfill
Company pride in doing the right thing
Does my business have to recycle?
All retail stores and businesses that generate used bulbs in Escambia County must recycle those bulbs. Landfill policy states that "NO" bulbs can go in the landfill.
What areas can Pensacola Recycling serve?
Pensacola Recycling serves customers from Tallahaseee, FL, to Pascagoula, MS, and as north as Montgomery, AL.
These are some of the business types we can help: Business and Industry, Manufacturing Plants, Hospital Facilities, Auto Junkyards, HVAC Companies.
Should we use bulb crushers?
A bulb cusher creates a hazardous material and must have proper ventilation while in use, and proper personal protection equipment must be used.
Can we recycle mercury?
Pensacola Recycling, Inc. has specialized in mercury recycling since 1997.